you turned my world upside down
maybe its love

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her story

Wednesday, November 4, 2009!
i just finish the freakin ******,
haaaa can relax now i was so tense....
yesterday i went shopping to buy prom clothes.
i bought a completely plain black dress,
i think it suits me but jolene say its to plain and commonm,
then wat is not common?
polkadots,flowers,butterflies, ponies,rabbits,poop......
haha got a little carried away,jaymee said its plain but sweet.
i bought some tights with it but not sure if i should wear it....
black makes me look mature and i look nice in black so i bought it.

im going to buy my shoes today gonna buy flats.
buying grey ones cause if i wear white it will be like standing out,
if i wear black i will look like im mourning.
haha lol..
im gonna wear a necklace with it so that it wont be so plain,
see im so smart haha.self praise.
grad nite is only tomorrow soooooooo excited,
i must sit with jaymee and jolene!!!!!
jaymee said that if i dont sit with her than she will slap me till my head comes off
then i said i will pull out her braces with all her teeth if she dont sit with me:)
we're suppose to have pe lesson now
but due to some wierd reason our pe teacher cant make it'
i think the last time we had pe lesson was last month .....
that's so long ago!!!
gonna paint my nails before grad nite my mother called me vain
heres a list of what im gonna do..
first paint my nails and watch tv while waiting for it to dry
then i bathe and comb my hair
then i change and wear my stuff
then i sit car go there meet jolene and jaymee outside th place
then go in and PARTYYYYY!
haha nothing to write now so BB


Tuesday, November 3, 2009!
now in com lab in school,
yesterday aileens frens came over and i played with them,
haha i was intruding evil me,
first they came over then went downstairs to play ice and water or catching.
i wasnt sure as like when someone caught the other person,
the person would become the catcher,
and when i ask them what they were playing they said ice and water,
so there is a big question mark on my head:)
yahbthen the gays went to play and blah blah blah...
then got kumon.i went with clarice,and over there she started to draw me,
with poop on my face so i drew her and gave her wings and poop in her butt.^_^
haha so fun!
then we went downstairs to play.
so that was practically how my day was.
i want frappe caramel its so freakinly nice!
listening to 'look what you've done' by jet.,
im singing outloud wonder if any one can hear me.....
sigh nothing to write now soBB


Monday, November 2, 2009!

today so fun went out with jaymee and jolene,

it was like really fun.

first me and jolene went to watch a movie,

so funny it turn out better then how i thought it would be,

then we met jaymee and we shopped around,
sadly i did not find anything:(

anws we then proceeded to starbucks and me and jaymee bought frappucinos,

jaymee bought some chocolate thing and i bought caramel.

its like so freaking nice best i have evar had^_^

after all that, we went home.

aileen's friends, coming tomorrow

haha then when they playing that time i shall intrude.


i am so evil^_^

anws have you seen my cat before?

she is so cute heres the pic:]

anws nothing to write now soBB!

Sunday, November 1, 2009!
hiya peeps,
now in the com lab,
later i going to watch imagine that with jolene i am suuuuper excited.
then later buy prom clothes^_^
just now in class,jolene,nicole,jaymee and me
played heart attack and truth or dare,
when we played heart attack and when the person need to hit the pile of hands,
we would stand up.
then i said :please rise,
and then jolene said:for the guest of hounor,
and we started to laugh really loud.
jolene is helping nicole make a blog,
haha i still so excited about going out later
wonder what im going to buy:)
joseph just asked me :i so bo liao ah,
write blog,
actually almost everyone is posting,
like charmaine and jaymee and i think johanna too.
all the boys are playing some lame games how LOSERIFIC!
loserific is a word i made up it means total loser^_^
shakila is so obseesed with micheal jackson,
always watching clips of him......
sigh nothing to write now so BB!


hey you know today was like so dumb,
cause i ask my sis to upload some pics to the com.
then she got fed up cause i keep asking her to hurry up.
cause she say if she want me to help her put up the pics,
she must let her load her rc on facebook,so i allow her lor,
so after she load some then got 2 more left ,
so iask her hurry up ,
then she got fed up and dont want help me load,
such a bitch!
she is so frekingly spoilt !!!

anws going out with jolene and jaymee tomorrow,
that will lift up my spirits^_^
me and jolene watching imagine that,
i wanted to watch coraline,
but jolene's mother say she cannot watch,
it is not pg and i dont understand why cannot.
then after the movie we meet jaymee ,
and shop for my prom clothes they both bought theirs already^_^
HAHA i so excited.
nothing else to write so BB

the end:)

do you know?
Janice (: ;I LOVE PANDA; 15 may; temasek sec;sthildas pri

Jolene Jaymee Samantha Siew Ling Hanis JLB taninette

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